03 August 2009

An open letter to the opponents of Universal Healthcare

Why are you resisting a right that Congress gets paid by the people that elects them, and they deny it to the people that is they are suppose to represent?  Did you have the chance to live in the USA before the 1980's?  The contrast of how people were able to get medical services and care then, before insurance companies and lobbyist turn it into corporate profit priority market oriented service versus a social one thus reversing the Hippocratic oath is obscene!  Have you ever been unemployed or poor?  Have you had to wait ten years to be able to take your kids or yourself to visit a doctor or a dentist? Have you had to pay medical bills out of pocket for yourself, a family member, or your parents?  All of these things have happened to me because the excellent healthcare that use to be before is no longer there.  In Puerto Rico we had a great system of national health, and the USAmericans; correction the Neo-Con Republican Puerto Ricans destroyed it so the big USAmerican private insurance companies could come and operate in the island and take over our then public hospitals.  I am sorry; there has to be a compassionate way to have a land of the free; not while the people that sweat and create the riches of this country are stressed and killed by the anxiety on how to take care of themselves, their aging parents and their kids.